


Lifestyle in the 1940s:これは、17年ほど前にTESOLを勉強していたときの Teaching and Testing ESL Reading and Writing というクラスでの課題です。「Journal Response」という課題で、英語で日記を書くというものでした。合計で3週間ほど書きました。わりとおもしろいことも書いているので、ぜひ読んでみてください。




Lifestyle in the 1940s 1920s

I am reading a book about lifestyles from the 1920s through the 1940s. A chapter about clothing and fashions especially interests me. History witnessed the 1920s as a turning point for women, at least in the US, because they won the right to vote along with more freedom, new fashions and new ways of life. As for clothing, the trend was to expose more skin.

This book describes how people perceived such a new style. Some “experts” were eager to show how badly women’s new fashions would affect women themselves and society: in 1920, a surgeon in London wrote an article about women’s insufficient clothing around necklines, claiming it was causing an increase in goiter; in 1921, a criminologist blamed the “scandalous dress of our women” for the “Crime wave” of the time; a “scientist” asserted that wearing bras to flatten the chest would cause rickets in newborn babies.

Sounds funny, doesn’t it? (Teacher’s comment: Yes, it sounds silly. It is interesting what people read and believe) But these “experts” were very serious, and not many people would laugh at what they said. By those days’ standards, all women today were to be executed?

【解説】あはは、タイトルを間違ってしまったので、ここで訂正します。1920年代のことを書いているのに、なぜか「1940s」をタイトルに入れてしまいました。また、「clothing and fashions」を「clothing and fashion」に訂正しました。文法的にはどちらでもOKですが(fashionsは「ファッションの種類」を表し、fashionは「ファッションという一般的な概念」を表す)、特に種類を強調したいわけでもなく、また、英語では、このような並列(andで内容をリストする)で揃えられる限りは、単数・複数を揃えたほうがいいので、このように訂正しました。